10 Amazing Facts About Hypnosis

10 Amazing Facts About Hypnosis

I would like to share with you 10 amazing facts about hypnosis… Hypnosis being used as a medical tool goes as far back as the Hindus of ancient India, they would take their ill to sleep temples to be cured by hypnotic suggestion, the same in ancient Egypt and Greece....
Superman Ice Bucket Challenge

Superman Ice Bucket Challenge

Henry Cavill (Superman) and Amy Adams (Lois Lane) take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on the set of “Batman v Superman : Dawn of Justice.” Superman is the man! What do you think of the Superman ice bucket challenge? Comment...
Your Life May Never Be The Same. Learn Hypnosis!

Your Life May Never Be The Same. Learn Hypnosis!

What changes would you like to make? Would you like make changes in your: Motivation Confidence Attitude Focus Goal orientation STRESS LEVELS With hypnosis you can. In fact, specific behavior change is the most common use of hypnosis. Most people try to make behavior...
Israel Is Going Back In Time

Israel Is Going Back In Time

We all know that Israel is a technological powerhouse inventing all sorts of things that millions of us all use in our daily lives. But now there are reports that an Israeli scientist from Jerusalem, has invented and built a real working time machine. The created time...
Squirrel Is Given The Slip

Squirrel Is Given The Slip

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9-rE5RBZvU When a local Rock Squirrel was stealing pounds of seed from a family’s bird feeder, they came up with an ingenuous, humane and hilarious solution to their empty feed problem, giving the squirrel the slip. The results...
Can A Ball Change The World?

Can A Ball Change The World?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1Sp6SjMge4 Stab it. Flatten it with a steamroller. This ball keeps take’n a kickin’. Tim Jahnigen, founder of One World Futbol Project, thinks that he is changing the world one ball at a time. How would you like to change...
Crazy Circle

Crazy Circle

Watch carefully as the balls rotate in a circle, but focus on one ball at a time and notice that it follows a straight line. Also, while there are only four balls in motion, these four balls will form a rotating square. This is just another example of looking deeper...